Use "intercede|interceded|intercedes|interceding" in a sentence

1. He interceded for mercy.

2. Therese can intercede on her behalf.

3. They intercede in man’s behalf.

4. I must intercede on Jasmine's behalf.

5. I came to intercede for a young man.

6. Couldn't you ask governor lambert to intercede?

7. He had occasionally tried to intercede for me.

8. He was quickly snubbed when he tried to intercede.

9. Several religious leaders have interceded with the authorities on behalf of the condemned prisoner.

10. She had found powerful allies who promised to intercede.

11. I intercede for each of you with great love.

12. It has also asked Britain and the United States to intercede.

13. Diplomats, Prime Ministers, and Pope Paul VI tried to intercede.

14. It is here that the holy spirit can intercede for us.

15. They asked my father to intercede with the king on their behalf.

16. But divine providence interceded, for the wheel broke, the spikes flying off and injuring many bystanders.

17. Who is he that can intercede with Him except with His Permission?

18. Wagg wept before Fich, and implored his dear friend to intercede for him.

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20. We have intercede with the authorities on behalf of people unfair imprison there.

21. (Mark 15:27) Yet, he willingly bore this reproach, knowing full well that he was interceding for us.

22. After the people repented and Moses interceded in their behalf, the plague was brought to an end.

23. Farm and labor movements began to ask the government to intercede on their behalf.

24. The governor promised to intercede with the Home Office on behalf of the girl.

25. Their purpose in coming here had been to intercede for the soul of Colonel Fergusson.

26. At a time like that there has to be a third party to intercede.

27. Those words drive me to intercede for these wretched souls who are false teachers.

28. He has been reluctant to intercede in the past out of deference to the coach's authority.

29. The national government seemingly could find no constitutional means to intercede to protect its black citizens.

30. The lawyer has promised to intercede for the prisoner, hoping to free him from prison.

31. Synonyms for Brokering include mediating, arbitrating, moderating, facilitating, acting as go-between, acting as an intermediary, acting as middleman, intervening, interceding and conciliating

32. She obtained hundreds of signatures and forwarded the petition to then-President Lyndon Johnson, who interceded to have him released.

33. Maybe he was therefore too distant to intercede in the folie a trois developing right under his nose.

34. I had enough presence of mind left to feel sorry for him and was ready to intercede on his behalf.

35. These sincere people pray to such “saints,” seeking their protection and asking that they intercede with God on the petitioners’ behalf.

36. Having come this great distance to intercede for her father, she now seemed instead to be constantly arguing with his shade.

37. Moses once again intercedes, and God instructs him to make a copper serpent and set it upon a pole so that those bitten are cured by gazing at it.

38. 11 We asked the Lord to fully REALIGN THE ROOT and began to intercede for a full reversal with signs and wonders.

39. As cloistered Norbertine Canonesses, their principal duty and mission is prayer, and especially liturgical prayer, interceding throughout the day and night for the needs of the church and the world

40. Mordecai sent a message to the queen, imploring Esther to intercede with the king, to stand up “for her own people.” —Esther 4:4-8.

41. Advocacy (1) The process of actively supporting the cause of, speaking or writing in favour of, or defending or interceding on behalf of a person (case Advocacy) or group (class Advocacy)

42. Beatification is a recognition accorded by the Catholic Church of a dead person's entrance into Heaven and capacity to intercede on behalf of individuals who pray in his or her name

43. May he also intercede that these Churches may not be imprisoned in the formulas of the past but be open to the healthy "aggiornamento" which he set forth with the policy of the wise harmony between "nova et vetera" (new and old).

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45. As cloistered Norbertine Canonesses, their principal duty and mission is prayer, and especially liturgical prayer, interceding throughout the day and night for the needs of the Church and the world, serving as the “heart” of Christ's Mystical Body, pumping the sap of grace to all of His members through their hidden life of prayer and sacrifice.

46. The Holy Archangel Michael is one of the most celebrated of the Angels and Bodiless powers; he is called the Archistrategos, or chief commander, of all the Bodiless powers.According to Holy Scripture and Tradition, he has interceded for humanity multiple times and continues to serve as the Defender of the Faith.St Michael is most often invoked for protection from invasion by enemies and …